Valence TGV station



Version française

Located in the North of the Mediterranean TGV line, the Valence TGV station was built in a 300-metre trench, where the Paris - Marseille railway, the Grenoble - Valence railway and the main road 532 cross. It is a bridge-shaped building of 50 metres in width linked to the walls by means of posts and girders.

The architectural concept based on fluidity associates a steel structure of 2,600 tons and important glass surfaces allowing transparency to the whole building.

This station attracts people from 5 departments : Drôme, Ardèche, Vaucluse, Isère and Hautes-Alpes. The whole population in this area reaches 500,000 inhabitants.

The financing of this station (in euros) :

Cost of the operation : 65.6 million

-         40.7 million distributed between S.N.C.F. (French National Railway Company) and R.F.F. (French Railway Network)

-         5.0 million for the General Council of Drôme

-         19.8 million for the Regional Council of the Rhônes-Alpes area

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